Life Imitates Art Fashion Show

D.C.U. Style was the first Student Fashion Society in Ireland. Founded in 2005 it is a society that at its core, is about creativity and self-expression.

Throughout my undergraduate degree, I was a key member of the society. In my final year I became the Chairperson. That year the D.C.U. Style Society was the largest college fashion society in Ireland.

Every year the D.C.U. Style Society organises a fashion show which is the largest student run event in Ireland. As the Chairperson, I was chief-organiser and Creative Director of the show.

The theme we chose was Life Imitates Art. We worked with sponsors such as Domino’s, Red Bull and Cocoa Brown. We also worked closely with international fashion brands such as H&M, Zara and MANGO. We made a conscious effort to champion Irish brands such as Heart Break Social Club, Charlottes Love and Dublin Vintage Factory.

This event was presented by the award-winning DJ and Presenter Tara Stewart and had a cast and crew of 120 people and over 600 people attended.

It won “Best Student Event” in Dublin City University in 2019 and came Second in the Best Event category at the National Board of Irish College Societies Awards in 2019.

In addition to the annual fashion show, D.C.U. Style facilitates the production of a bi-annual magazine called The Look, and holds numerous events including industry talks, workshops and clothing swaps.

Please see below for pictures, videos, marketing materials and interviews of the Life Imitates Art Fashion Show.
